Known in Japan as Sakura, this classic Erstwilder Cherry Blossom brooch has been crafted from a combination of patterned and textured resins and features hand-finished details. The flower and brooch of choice for those who possess a sensitivity to ephemera.
We grow in groups and we just love company. Why not settle on a mountain top for a picnic under our oriental charm?
Height 3 cm x Width 7 cm
Each piece is hand assembled, hand painted and released in limited quantities. All designs are made from layered resin. All metal components including brooch clasps, necklace chains and jump rings are made from stainless steel.
Designs come packaged in Erstwilder gift boxes.Please be aware that resin is akin to ceramic and glass and therefore may be damaged if dropped or knocked. Keep your Erstwilder companion neatly tucked away in this box when not being worn, avoid contact with perfumes, lotions, water and excessive sunlight and you?ll have a trusted friend for years to come.